Electric-Acoustic Harps  I am no longer making MIDI Harps

My electric-acoustic harps, can be built in any size, style, and number of strings, from 19 to 29. I can build them with gut or nylon strings.

Sound system for your harp.

This system is a multi transducer array, ( cannot be used with solid -body harps ), that is attached to the inside of the harp soundboard. This system has only a mono output, and is the least expensive of the two systems.


Celtic Harp, Folk Harp, Lever Harp, Irish Harp, Electric Harp
Harp Shown above: This is a detail shot of Black Walnut, 36 string,  ‘Bamboo ‘themed electric-acoustic harp, using the RMC individual string transducers. This is an older project, and I am no longer using this system.

Celtic Harp, Folk Harp, Lever Harp, Irish Harp, Electric Harp   36 string electro-acoustic Noprthern Lights HarpFiber optic stars lit, on Northern Lights Harps

Harps shown here above:  On the left: Thirty six nylon strung  Myrtle wood, electro-acoustic, with triggered red lasers (the lasers are triggered to fire into the crystals, controlled by the vibration of the strings they are connected to electrically),  and embedded fiber optic lighting, set under clear rock crystals .

The harp on the right is a 36 string electric acoustic “Northern Lights” harp with RMC individual string transducers, and eight halogen spot lights with colored gels in the pillar, and fiber optic lighting  that lights up crystal stars embedded in the sound board.


Celtic Harp, Folk Harp, Lever Harp, Irish Harp, Electric HarpCeltic Harp, Folk Harp, Lever Harp, Irish Harp, Electric HarpCeltic Harp, Folk Harp, Lever Harp, Irish Harp, Electric HarpCeltic Harp, Folk Harp, Lever Harp, Irish Harp, Electric Harp

Harp shown here: Custom Electro-acoustic Gut strung Cherry wood harp created for Tina Tourin. This harp has colored lights built into the pillar, and fiber optic lighting behind crystal on the sound board.

This custom harp was created for Christina Tourin, who commented, ” I can`t believe you built the harp in three weeks , and it sounds so lovely! ” Christina was talking about the custom gut strung electric-acoustic Rainbow Light Harp I created for her 1992. She was amazed that in the recording studio, that the sound coming from the harp was so clear, that ” the recording engineer had nothing to do !”

Three or Four Transducer Array, Sound System ( For acoustic, or hollow-body electric harps only)

I can build all my many different harp sizes and styles to be electric acoustic harps, by using a multi transducer array, that is attached to the inside of the harp soundboard.Using three or four carefully placed piezo pickup elements, this system achieves a clean, focused, natural, and lush sound. The rich, full bass notes balance and blend with the clear, musical MIDI and high notes. It’s simply the sound of the harp, only bigger. This system works at any volume level, without feedback, which can be a concern with microphones alone, when playing at extreme high volumes or with other instruments.


The four (or three in the smaller array ), transducer elements are discreetly mounted inside the sound box of the harp. All wiring is neatly bundled and run through a cable conduit that terminates at a single 1/4-inch jack that’s flush-mounted in the back of the harp, making for true “plug and play” ease of use. A single guitar cable allows you to plug your harp straight into any amplifier and many PA systems with no preamp boxes or complicated connections.

If you are playing in situations requiring very high volumes, you’ll want to add a preamplifier to the system. In addition to boosting your signal, it will give you direct control over your volume and tone. With some amplifiers it will also sweeten and smooth out your sound.

I can install this transducer system for you in any of my Mountain Glen Harps
Installed in harps with 27 or more strings………………$395.00

And for the smaller, three transducer array,
Installed in harps with 26 strings or fewer……………..$375.00

Celtic Harp, Folk Harp, Lever Harp, Irish Harp, Electric HarpCeltic Harp, Folk Harp, Lever Harp, Irish Harp, Electric Harp
Harp Shown above: Black Walnut & Myrtle Wood with a stained Spruce sound board. Midi-acoustic-electric, 40 nylon strings.

MIDI Electric Harps  I am no longer using this system, but have left up these photos.


Follow your Bliss, and live your Life in Joy!

Glenn J. Hill